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SARMs vs. Steroids: What’s Best for Muscle Growth and Performance?

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Table of Contents

According to some recent 2024 data, the global population of bodybuilding and fitness enthusiasts using performance-enhancing drugs could be 53.05% for men and 41.99% for women. 

Due to high demand,  this article has been dedicated to sarms vs. steroids. The initial discussion covers a short overview of both substances. 

Both substances are then compared based on their muscle, strength, and physical performance benefits. This is based on research and real-life user experience, adverse effects and legality of use have also been covered reasonably. 

Understanding SARMs

As the name suggests, SARMs are selective androgen receptor modulators. Essentially, this means that they selectively target and bind to the androgen receptors found in skeletal muscle and bone tissue. 

Typically, a lot of SARMs like Testolone rad140 are taken in pill form. Once they are processed by the body, they are taken up into the bloodstream. At this point, the substance begins to interact with the body’s androgen receptors, activating various pathways and gene receptors.

In turn, ramping up testosterone production, muscle protein synthesis, and bone synthesis. Undoubtedly, this leads to significant growth, repair, and strength of these bodily tissues, as well as enhanced physical performance. 

Due to the selectivity of SARMs, the adverse effects are low compared to other performance-enhancing drugs like anabolic steroids. Some examples of SARMs include Ostarine and Testolone.

Understanding Steroids

Similarly, anabolic steroids are also chemically engineered substances. Unlike SARMs, anabolic steroids mimic the male sex hormone testosterone, thereby directly ramping up testosterone levels in the body, where precursors convert into estrogen and dihydrotestosterone.

As a result, anabolics also increase muscle protein synthesis while reducing muscle protein degradation (muscle breakdown). 

However, this mechanism comes with a multitude of potential side effects, which will be covered. 

Many anabolics are directly injected into the bloodstream, where they take effect. Popular anabolics include Deca, trenbolone, testosterone, and anadrol. 

Tablets and dumbbell on the table

Comparative Effectiveness for Muscle Growth, Strength & Performance

Both SARMs and steroids are performance-enhancing drugs that promote muscle growth. This section is dedicated to ‘sarms vs. steroids’ to determine which one is better. 

Based on the literature, anabolic steroids can enhance strength in the athletic population by 5–20%, depending on the specific anabolic and the number of cycles observed.

For a better visual, an example athlete can barbell squat an impressive 300 lbs for a single, a 10% increase would boost the athlete’s lift to a massive 330. On the lean muscle and mass side of things, athletes can gain upto 2–5kg or upto 11lbs. New lifters can reap much more gains. 

It is difficult to pinpoint exactly how much muscle and strength gains to expect from SARMs. There are way too many variables to consider and scarce amounts of research due to ethical reasons. 

However, the muscle and strength enhancements are generally thought to be much lower and slower compared to anabolic steroids.

The main reason behind this is that anabolic steroids directly ramp up testosterone levels far beyond the physiological range. For this reason, steroid users observe far more significant modifications in strength and muscle, which then translates into athletic performance. 

Real Life User Experience 

Real-life users of SARMs and anabolic steroids can be found on forums like Reddit. These individuals typically report their results from anecdotal experience.

One individual reported far more effective results in steroids vs sarms. The user stated the following:

‘With juice, you are far more likely to look unnaturally big, with bulging muscles and veins the size of a regular garden hose. With sarms, you have a little bit more control of your gains if taken responsibly. I know both sarm and steroid users. Steroid users get results faster but often look very unnatural quite quickly, not to mention the side effects.

By ‘juice,’ this user is referring to anabolic steroid injections, and clearly, the results were much faster and significant based on anecdotal observation. 

Side Effects and Health Risks

The side effects of SARM use are thought to be much lower compared to traditional steroids. Based on the data, side effects could include cardiovascular issues and liver toxicity, for the most part. However, it should be considered that SARMs are relatively new in research, and many questions/ideas go unanswered for ethical reasons, especially in chronic studies. 

Unlike SARMs, traditional anabolic steroids convert to estrogen and DHT.  This increases the risk of gynecomastia (enlarged breast tissue). Furthermore, steroids are associated with more severe long-term liver damage, heart issues, and shutting off natural testosterone production. 

This would mean that many users would have to rely on testosterone replacement therapy for the rest of their lives, even if they decide to stop taking anabolics. Women could expect menstrual irregularity and a more ‘manly’ appearance. 

The more ‘minor’ side effects could include acne, hair loss, and mood swings. 

Legality and Accessibility

SARMs are illegal and not accessible in countries like the USA, Canada, and Australia. Surprisingly, SARMs are not regulated in most European countries. For this reason, they are openly used by many recreational ‘gym goers’ and low-level sports participants.

On the opposite side of the spectrum, steroids are illegal to process and distribute without a prescription in most countries. Some Eastern European countries, such as Mexico and Thailand, have less strict regulations. Infact, these countries may offer over-the-counter purchases. 

Due to anti-doping regulations, both of these substances are banned in all elite and professional sports across the globe. 

If they are detected in a drug test, a ban from the sport and a fine is likely. For example, Mexican American professional boxer Ryan Garcia had allegedly used a SARM called Osterone. This resulted in a year ban and a $10,000 fine. 

Take Home Message 

SARMs selectively interact with adenosine receptors, whereas steroids directly mimic testosterone. 

Steroids have decades of research, whereas SARMs are relatively new, with scarce amounts of human data and long term studies. 

Even in the athletic population, anabolic steroids have shown to enhance strength by upto 20% and muscle mass by 11 pounds. SARMs do not seem to be as impressive, which is even apparent from the anecdotal observation of real-life users. 

Due to the mechanism of anabolic steroids, the side effects appear to be more severe. Steroids increase the risk of organ problems like liver toxicity and heart disease. Moreover, natural testosterone suppression in men and menstrual irregularity in women are also possible. Lastly, acne and hair loss have also been reported. 

Remember that this article is not medical advice and is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease, disorder, or medical condition. It should never replace any advice and treatment provided by your physician or licensed healthcare provider. 

If you have any questions regarding product usage or purchasing, feel free to contact us directly. 

Reference Section 

Hoseini, R., &., Hoseini, Z. ‘Exploring the prevalence of anabolic steroid use among men and women resistance training practitioners after the COVID-19 pandemic’ BMC Public Health, 13(24): 798, 2024

Wen, J., Seyed, B., Leapart, J., et al. ‘Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators (SARMs) Effects on Physical Performance: A Systematic Review of Randomized Control Trials’ Clinical Endocrinology, 102(1): 2–27, 2024

Hargens, F., &., Kuipers, H. ‘Effects of Androgenic-Anabolic Steroids in Athletes’ Sports Medicine, 34(1):513–554,2004

Reddit, 2023 ‘Sarms vs steroids tells?’  Available at: (accessed: 12/02/2025)

BBC Sport, 2024 ‘Garcia handed one-year doping ban’ Available at:,Devin%20Haney%20on%2020%20April (Accessed: 12/02/2025)

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