‘MUSCLE VS. FAT’ This is one hot topic, as most of us who step foot into a gym or start a home exercise routine want to gain muscle and lose fat to some extent.
Generally, these two tissues are not understood very well. For this reason, we have dissected them both, but not literally, so do not worry.
We have highlighted what skeletal muscle is, what it does, and how it grows. We have also covered body fat in a similar manner.
We then go on to discuss if it is possible to convert fat into muscle, as this is probably one of our most frequently asked questions.
Towards the end of this blog post, I answer 5 other frequently asked questions surrounding this topic that were sent in by you guys.
Last but not least, we give you a take-home message summarizing the main parts of this blog.
Quick Answer: Muscle is contractile tissue and grows from regular use/overloading. Fat is not functional but ‘good’ as an energy store, and it acts as an insulator. Fat grows from overeating and/or underactivity. These two tissues are NOT the same.
What is Skeletal Muscle?
Skeletal muscle is contractile tissue that is attached to bone by a tendon. A popular example of skeletal muscle is the bicep. The bicep shortens the angle between the lower and upper arm, more commonly known as a bicep curl.
When skeletal muscle is overloaded through lifting weights, small micro tears are formed. Shortly after, the body begins repairing these microtears by layering proteins over them for the next few days.
I know that you have all felt that muscle soreness in the morning after a tough lifting session. Now you know the ‘why.’
Perhaps to your interest, this process is known as exercise-induced muscle protein synthesis or easier understood as short-term muscle building.
Consistently lifting a couple of times per week may bring out some noticeable growth over an 8-week period.
Strength and muscle development are the body’s defense mechanisms to lower the risk of any type of injury.
What is Body Fat?
On the opposite side of the spectrum, we have body fat. Unlike muscle, body fat is nonfunctional and, in most cases, unwanted in excessive amounts unless you are into sumo wrestling or something.
Generally, fat tissue layers over skeletal muscle, hence why it can give us that bulky appearance. Have you ever heard anyone at the gym say, ‘I’m bulking, bruh’?
But what is the purpose of body fat? Body fat is basically a store of energy/calories, which also acts as an insulator to keep us warm.
When we indulge in excessive amounts of food (calories) beyond what we need for bodily functions and daily activities, the body will begin to store them into fat cells, giving us a fatter appearance over time.
Using the simplest example, if our body needs 2000 calories to maintain body weight, but we eat 2500 per day, this puts us into a 500-calorie surplus.
There are approximately 3500 calories in 1 pound of fat, so it should take around a week before it starts clamping onto our frame (500 x 7 =3500).
Fat accumulation makes perfect sense, looking back thousands of years ago. Our ancestors went days without eating, followed by indulging in whatever they could get their hands on after hunting in freezing-cold temperatures.

Can You Convert Fat into Muscle?
Let me ask you, can we turn things into gold? Probably not, unless you are some type of funky magician.
There seems to be an idea floating around in the health and fitness world that you can turn fat into muscle. Let’s debunk this for our readers.
From reading the two previous passages, you have probably gleaned that fat and muscle are two entirely different bodily tissues.
Muscles grow from lifting and eating enough protein, whereas fat grows from inactivity and eating too much food.
In some circumstances, you may be able to use fat as energy to fuel your grueling weight room sessions. Although this may help to build muscle, you can not directly turn fat into muscle.
So once and for all, ‘Can you turn fat into muscle?’ The answer is NO, NEVER!
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the difference between fat and muscle?
Fat is a storage of energy, while the muscle is a functional tissue that helps you move heavier objects.
Does muscle weigh more than fat?
No! They weigh exactly the same, but the muscle is denser and thus takes up less space. Furthermore, I must add that muscle is much more difficult to attain compared to body fat.
Can you convert fat into muscle?
No! But in some cases, your body will use some of its fat as energy during your lifting sessions.
How does strength training affect fat and muscle?
Strength training burns calories in the short term, which may help reduce fat. In the longer term, it can build muscle, and muscle is a very thermogenic tissue, which means it burns calories to be there.
Is High Body Fat unhealthy?
Without getting into too much detail, high body fat increases the risk of type 2 diabetes, heart disease, heart failure, and cancers.
Why is muscle important for overall health?
Muscle is important for mobility and longevity into older age. Also, It helps to regulate metabolism, thereby reducing the risk of weight/fat-related illnesses and injuries.
Take Home Message
If you ever get into a muscle vs. fat debate or if you are just trying to educate your friends and family, here is what you would say.
Muscles help with movements and get bigger from lifting heavy weights. Fat does not help with movement but is a store of energy and keeps us warm. We get fatter from overeating and underactivity.
You cannot turn fat into muscle, but you can use it as energy for activities like lifting.
We hope that you enjoyed this short blog post. Please feel free to leave us a comment, question, or query, and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
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