Simply put, RAD-140, also known as testolone, is a selective androgen receptor modulator (SARM). We will get into the detail behind its mechanism later into the article.
RAD-140 is supposed to be a prescription drug for certain medical conditions related to muscle wasting.
More often than not, RAD-140 seems to find its way into the hands of athletes, bodybuilders, and even recreational ‘gym-goers’. The motivation behind its use is muscle gains and physical performance enhancements.
RAD-140 is taken in daily doses and cycled over a few weeks for a multitude of benefits. However, the use of RAD-140, like any SARM also comes with an many risk factors.
Sounds interesting? Stay tuned as we have put together an informative section for rad 140 dosage, rad 140 side effects, rad 140 results.
Rad-140 Doses & Uses
Similar to many other SARMs, the suggested daily dose of Rad-140 sits between 10-30 mg in tablet form.
The lower doses would be more suitable for those who have had little to no experience using Rad-140. Reason being, this allows the users to assess tolerance and reap some ‘newbie gains’.
On the other hand, the higher 20-30 mg dose may be more tolerable and help break through muscle size and performance plateaus for experienced users.
According to the literature, a cycling-off period is important to reduce the risk and severity of some negative side effects. An 8-12 week cycling on-and-off period looks most logical if we go off the research.
Just to add, RAD-140 shares many similarities to other nonsteroidal SARMs like Ostarine MK-2866.
Unlike Ostarine, the unique chemical structure in RAD-140 allows for superior selectivity and potency. So you could think of it as an advanced SARM.
However, just like any other SARM or anabolic steroid, the hormone levels and health markers should be monitored by a licensed medical professional for those using RAD-140.

Rad-140 Benefits & Results
We have noted many benefits from Rad-140 use, which have been shared below.
Skeletal Muscle Enhancements
The primary mechanism of action for RAD-140 is to bind onto androgen receptors in bodily tissues like skeletal muscle.
This activates ‘muscle growth hormones’. Furthermore, Rad-140 boosts muscle protein synthesis. Overall, you could expect significant lean muscle and strength gains at rapid rates.
Clinical trials focused on muscle gains for healthy individuals are very limited, but based on anecdote users have claimed to have gained a LOT! Read the following quote taken from a Reddit blogger: ‘6 cycles so far, and I’ve gained 35 lbs of mainly muscle weight’.
Now, I can not sit here and guarantee that this individual did actually gain 35 lbs and if it was ‘mainly muscle weight’. What I can say is real users seem happy with their results.
Increased Bone Mineral Density
Not only does Rad-140 bind to the receptors in skeletal muscle, but also bone tissue. This response raises bone mineral density, thereby forming bigger and stronger bones over time. We all know how important bone tenacity is to withstand intense and high-impact sports training sessions and gym workouts. Think about the amount of loads that you see lifters place on the femur bones (thigh) during high-intensity barbell squats.
Boosted Recovery
We now know that Rad-140 promotes muscle and bone tissues to repair at accelerating rates. Therefore, It is not a secret that Rad-140 users would be able to train with a lot more effort and intensity, yet recover better between sessions.
In the longer term, optimizing recovery should speed up the time it takes to learn specific movement patterns and skills in sports and gym-based activities.
Enhanced Muscle Endurance
Without getting too technical, RAD-140 has shown to elevate red blood cell production in the human body, thus allowing a greater oxygen uptake to the muscles during activity. In turn, this physiological change improves endurance and reduces fatigue. Many of you know that oxygen is crucial to generate energy during aerobic respiration.
This can help with higher volume/repetition resistance training, running, swimming, cycling, tennis, football etc.
Fat Loss
Increasing lean muscle tissue boosts the metabolism, which then helps burn more fat mass over time.
Not to mention, higher output during workouts and training sessions would burn a ton of calories turn, helping to maintain a more athletic body composition with lower body fat.
Rad-140 Side Effects & Risk
Do the potential results sound too good to be true? So what’s the catch? Now we can not forget to mention the risk of side effects.
Liver Toxicity & Damage
The tablet form RAD-140 may elevate liver enzymes from having to break down the foreign substance. Abuse and/or long-term use can also cause liver damage and even failure.
Hormone Imbalance
Just like most SARMs and anabolics, RAD-140 could potentially suppress natural testosterone production. At this point, the user would have to rely on testosterone replacement therapy to feel somewhat ‘normal.’
Skin Conditions
RAD-140 can stimulate the skin glands called sebaceous, as it increases oil production, clogging up pores followed by a rise of acne and oily skin, which may be followed by scars.
Hair Conditions
Moreover, RAD-140 can raise dihydrotestosterone levels (DHT). DHT can shrink hair follicles, leading to hair thinning and loss.
Increased ‘Bad’ Cholesterol & Subsequent Degradations
With Rad-14 use, your lipid profile will likely go out of whack, reducing HDL (good cholesterol) and raising LDL (bad cholesterol).
Over the long haul, ‘bad cholesterol’ can clog up the arteries in the heart, increasing the risk of hypertension (high blood pressure), cardiovascular disease, and even heart attack.
Take Home Message
As we now know, RAD-140 is taken in doses of 10-30 mg per day and cycled on and off for 8-12 weeks.
We have established a multitude of benefits, including muscle/strength gains, increased bone density, boosted recovery, improved endurance performance, and fat loss.
However, RAD-140 comes with an equal risk of side effects such as liver toxicity, hormone imbalance, skin/hair conditions, and increased ‘bad’ cholesterol.
As a final take home message, if you are considering RAD-140 or any other drug, please consult your licensed healthcare professional who may be able to offer more guidance.
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Reddit, 2022 ‘How much can you gain on Rad140’ Available at: (accessed:23/01/2025)
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