!!!!!!!NEPÍŠTE SEM NIČ!!!!!!
DHEA pôsobí ako prekurzor ženských aj mužských pohlavných hormónov, ako je testosterón a estrogén. Zohráva úlohu pri udržiavaní hormonálnej rovnováhy v tele, čo môže ovplyvniť procesy, ako je vývoj svalov, metabolizmus tukov, reakcia imunitného systému a celková vitalita.
!!!!!!!NEPÍŠTE SEM NIČ!!!!!!
Goal | |
Sports Nutrition | |
Active Ingredients |
Highly recommend! It has made a noticeable difference in my daily energy and overall health. Excellent choice!
The best DHEA supplement I’ve tried. It has significantly enhanced my overall health and wellness.
I’ve seen incredible improvements with DHEA. My stress levels are down, and I feel more balanced.
Super impressed! It provides a great boost to my energy and helps me feel more vibrant.
I’ve been using this product for a while now and I can honestly say its made a real difference in how i feel. I have more energy and overall i just feel better.. Definetly worth it!”
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